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As well as numerous news items about new launches, lounge and club openings, and events all around the globe, Cigar Journal's writers offer up a concentrated charge of firsthand impressions from the cigar world, and in-depth information also in their new issue.
For the cover story they met Christian Eiroa, the mastermind behind Cigar Journal’s Cigar of the Year 2015, and who, at the age of 44, has already had many successes in the cigar industry. Cigar Journal spoke with him about Camacho, his new brands, and his preference for Corojo tobacco.
Planning a trip to Cuba in the near future?Read the lounge guide on Havana. They found the best 10 places for you to smoke your Havana cigar.
Sam Spurr talked to passionados who had the dream of creating their own cigar blend and who have actually been able to realize such projects.
Simon Chase reflects on the emergence of Trinidad, and Nick Hammond wonders whether the golden age of vintage Davidoff cigars might be near its end: he talks dwindling inventory with cigar retailer Mitchell Orchant.